Bird Proofing Australia, want to hear from you!
We know you care about the birds even though you are annoyed by them and want a humane way to get rid of them.
Simply tell us about your local school, child care centre, shops or workplace that could benefit from our bird proof netting solution. Don’t forget to include the name of the place, location and your contact details. Contact us
Previous people who have contacted us for help and their stories
School Bird Nesting problem
One person told us about the school his kids go to. They constantly have birds nesting in their undercover outdoor play area, swooping on the kids and leaving droppings all over the ground. He told us about the problem and we have been able to contact the school with a solution that doesn’t involve any chemicals, spikes or ugly erections – just a simple, proven, netting solution that lasts the test of time.
Footpath bird problem
Another person told us about their local shops. There is constantly bird poop all over footpath and birds swooping on people because their nests are in the cover over the footpath.
Airconditioner Bird Problem
“The place that could benefit from the birdproof netting would be my gym; the airconditioner is always broken so we open the windows but the birds keep flying in to the gym and stop the classes. Its so sad to see these birds get hurt by trying to get back out.The gym is Body Shape, Sans Souci”
This is the second place we have seen this week with problems with the airconditioner thanks to birds nesting. We can fix the problem!!
Simply tell us about your local school, child care centre, shops or workplace that could benefit from our pigeon bird proof netting solution. Don’t forget to include the name of the place, location and your contact details. Contact us